The Woman in the Body a Cultural Analysis of Reproduction Review

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Aimée Buy it from a book store online or otherwise, borrow it from someone yous know, if you lot know someone with information technology, or seek out a library and maybe in this…more than Buy it from a book shop online or otherwise, borrow it from someone you lot know, if y'all know someone with it, or seek out a library and peradventure in this instance a librarian (depending upon the library). I believe those are the generally accustomed means.(less)

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Dec 12, 2016 rated it it was amazing
This takes an anthropological look at how science expanded into gynocological practices that frequently seemed more than horrific and damaging than helping to women. Martin does a corking job at connecting the desire to shape and control both the ideology and the do of women'due south reproductive capacities with the rise of medical practise as science in the 17th and 18th centuries. Yous cannon unsee the ready of historical pictures of instruments that have been used on women's bodies, often equally much to control This takes an anthropological expect at how science expanded into gynocological practices that frequently seemed more horrific and damaging than helping to women. Martin does a great chore at connecting the desire to shape and control both the credo and the practice of women'south reproductive capacities with the rise of medical practice as science in the 17th and 18th centuries. You cannon unsee the set up of historical pictures of instruments that accept been used on women'southward bodies, ofttimes equally much to control as to support, including birthing instruments that would salve the baby just wreck the woman. ...more
Aug eleven, 2008 rated it information technology was amazing
Recommends it for: anybody always
Recommended to Sarah by: Prof. Mulligan
This is the start time that I've e'er wanted to terminate a book of which just certain capacity were assigned for course. Simply put, it'due south fantastic and everyone should read information technology. It forced me to look critically at so many of the things I took for granted – the objectivity of scientific fact, the metaphors we use daily to talk about catamenia and reproduction, etc. And Emily Martin'south writing style is totally engaging and easy to read – I've never had assigned reading speed past so quickly.
Medical viewpoints and terminology may be used as an index to gauge the style lodge views a woman's body. As various critics have noted, the language of women's health intendance—particularly concerning reproduction and sexual practice—could be described as the "rhetoric of peril." Ever since male physicians began to take accuse of childbirth and women's wellness care in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a woman has been seen as innately weak, a fragile vessel whose well-being is closely tied to he Medical viewpoints and terminology may be used as an index to gauge the way society views a woman'south body. As diverse critics have noted, the language of women'due south wellness care—particularly concerning reproduction and sexual practice—could be described as the "rhetoric of peril." Always since male physicians began to take charge of childbirth and women'south health care in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, a woman has been seen as innately weak, a frail vessel whose well-being is closely tied to her hormones, ovaries, and womb.

Emily Martin, in her first-class study, The Adult female in the Body: A Cultural Analysis of Reproduction, explains that prior to the eighteenth century, men and women'southward bodies were considered "structurally similar"; women's genitals were simply inside the body, while men's were outside (27). Past the early on eighteenth century, these views began to modify. As Martin points out, the scientific "proof" that men and women were fundamentally and biologically different served to solidify and ascertain their social roles because these differences "were grounded in nature, by virtue of the dictates of their bodies" (32).

The ideological shift in medical rhetoric becomes critically important equally information technology served to keep women in their identify; a woman who rejected being relegated to the domestic sphere non only waged a state of war against "Nature" itself, but as well could be labeled unnatural (32). When men and women's bodies were considered roughly analogous, a woman's bodily functions were explained in relation to those of a man'due south and thus were considered normal.

Once men and women were deemed fundamentally unlike, a woman's actual functions provoked more scrutiny. As Martin explains, menstruation, ovulation, menopause, and birth—formerly considered normal processes of a woman's body—were now viewed equally pathological states (32–67). Consequently, information technology was not only morally proper for a woman to stick to home and hearth but too a matter of rubber: A woman's inherently diseased body required the care of her husband and the constant surveillance of (male) physicians.

from an earlier publication

This was an interesting read that made me really call back near how I view myself and how I view wellness systems. Parts of this were hard to read, just in a skillful way. I did feel similar a section on nutrition would have been good and I later on reading this, I felt like I never knew the conclusions of her research. I definitely practice commend Martin for doing enquiry in a role of Anthropology that has been neglected!
It took a lot of time to make up one's mind between a ii and iii star rating for this book, in the end I went with 2.

I found this volume on the campus bookstore for an anthropology class, and existence a masters level social worker, a doula, and someone interested in a doctorate in anthropology, I was eager to requite information technology a read.

On page 195 Emily sites Ludwig Wittgenstein - a philosopher - past maxim, "Experimenters assume a certain worldview earlier they begin to investigate, and their investigations do non call their

Information technology took a lot of time to make up one's mind between a two and three star rating for this book, in the cease I went with ii.

I constitute this book on the campus bookstore for an anthropology class, and being a masters level social worker, a doula, and someone interested in a doctorate in anthropology, I was eager to give information technology a read.

On page 195 Emily sites Ludwig Wittgenstein - a philosopher - by saying, "Experimenters assume a certain worldview earlier they begin to investigate, and their investigations do not call their worldview into question." In reading this book, it seems ironic and obvious that Emily did not see this in her ain inquiry and writing of this book until years later when it was pointed out to her. She addresses her biases and falling in to this in the revised introduction to her book, even so she did not become through and correct the biased writing.

Additionally, I struggled with the set upward of this book. The first 60 or so pages are giving a history of sciences view on the body, around page seventy the writer starts talking most her research, and it isn't until page 100 that she fifty-fifty mentions her findings. It seemed equally though someone else'due south writings accidentally got published into her book, very confusing.

The book itself is far outdated. I am surprised that it is still being used in anthropology classes in higher because in that location have to be more than up-to-date options available. Had I known it was written in the 1980s I incertitude I would have read it. The medical field and nascency have changed drastically in the 30 years since it was published.

And finally, Emily has a definite bias against hospitals and doctors and towards natural births in the domicile. With such a strong bias, her writings on the matter can simply be taken as a grain of common salt. She never once mentions that a lot of women are happy with their hospital births or tragedies that sometimes come up with a home birth. She has called examples that vilify ALL DOCTORS and presents them in a sadistic, dangerous manner. Her role in writing this book was to present what her inquiry was finding, but with regards to laboring women, she did non do so in an unbiased manner.

...more than
Fraser Sherman
I causeless, incorrectly, this would exist a broader look at culture and reproduction, only it's a specialized anthropological work, focusing on late 20th century (when the volume came out) attitudes — women'south, doctors', society's — virtually giving nativity, flow and menopause. As Martin sees it, the default medical assumption is that women'south bodies are a auto and judged for not existence regular (menstruation fluctuates and menopause is a breakdown) whereas women are a little more at-home about information technology. Inter I assumed, incorrectly, this would be a broader look at culture and reproduction, only it's a specialized anthropological piece of work, focusing on tardily 20th century (when the book came out) attitudes — women's, doctors', society's — about giving nativity, menstruation and menopause. As Martin sees it, the default medical assumption is that women's bodies are a auto and judged for not being regular (menstruation fluctuates and menopause is a breakdown) whereas women are a fiddling more than at-home about it. Interesting in spots, but as well densely bookish in style and ultimately non what I was looking to read almost. ...more than
Bec Daniels
Apr 23, 2020 rated information technology really liked it
Does a lot to identify the sexism in medical texts and the ways in which our club is ready to control, dominate, and dismiss women. Distinctly second-wave feminist; information technology was a bit terfy since it defines womanhood by bodily processes, though these processes are importantly observed every bit a historical means of oppression.
Debbie Bateman
I don't know about yous, but I am sick and tired of reading most the refuse of a adult female'south body later menopause: senile ovaries, atrophied vaginas then on. This book looks under the hood of our civilisation and asks why this kind of language is used and the impact it has on u.s. as women. Although it was written in 1987, this volume still raises a loud phonation for all women. A must read. I don't know near you lot, but I am sick and tired of reading almost the decline of a woman's torso after menopause: senile ovaries, atrophied vaginas and so on. This book looks under the hood of our culture and asks why this kind of language is used and the bear upon it has on usa as women. Although it was written in 1987, this volume still raises a loud voice for all women. A must read. ...more
Mar 15, 2019 rated it really liked it
If y'all accept an interest in women, women'southward problems, medicine, history or basically annihilation else. You will want to read this. If you accept an interest in women, women'due south issues, medicine, history or basically anything else. You will want to read this. ...more
Chanel Earl
Dec 02, 2012 added it
Recommended to Chanel by: Julie
Fascinating. Afterward reading two chapters for volume society, I borrowed this and finished it. The volume discusses how women view menstruation, pregnancy, PMS, childbirth, menopause and more than.

Information technology was fascinating to read virtually the metaphors nosotros apply to describe the experiences we have (childbirth as a form of production, menses equally a failed attempt at product) and to reconsider how I view my own body and culture. This volume challenged a lot of my beliefs about what women experience, and information technology fabricated me lo

Fascinating. After reading ii capacity for volume club, I borrowed this and finished it. The book discusses how women view menstruation, pregnancy, PMS, childbirth, menopause and more.

Information technology was fascinating to read virtually the metaphors we use to draw the experiences we accept (childbirth as a form of production, flow as a failed attempt at production) and to reconsider how I view my own body and culture. This book challenged a lot of my behavior about what women experience, and it made me look more closely at many of my ain assumptions.

Among some of the fascinating details were descriptions of menstruation that question the usually held belief that women are at a mental and physical disadvantage while they are having their menses, descriptions of how women take resisted the cultural expectations set up for them during labor and have labored a their ain pace and in their own way in spite of pressures coming from doctors and family unit members, and some analysis about how being a woman means different things in different economic classes and for different races.

This is a great read if you don't mind academic writing (it's not quick) and if y'all want to be made to remember about things differently.

In all honesty, I did skip a few pages here and there when the point was clear.

Oct 19, 2013 rated it really liked it
This book has the potential to exist very empowering for women at important stages in their life. Information technology also reminds them to re-recall the terms they utilise and allow others to utilize towards them, as these terms tap into wider discourses which are securely harmful. Martin encourages women to re-appropriate their bodies:

'[Due west]omen - whose bodily feel is denigrated and demolished by models implying failed production, waste,' - menstruation - 'disuse, and breakdown' - menopause - 'have it literally inside the

This book has the potential to exist very empowering for women at important stages in their life. It also reminds them to re-think the terms they use and permit others to use towards them, as these terms tap into wider discourses which are deeply harmful. Martin encourages women to re-appropriate their bodies:

'[W]omen - whose bodily feel is denigrated and demolished by models implying failed product, waste,' - flow - 'decay, and breakdown' - menopause - 'accept information technology literally within them to confront the story science tells u.s. with another story, based in their own experience.' (pg. 197)

...more than
Beth Melillo
A reminder that the way we perceive the world is filtered through cultural motifs which seem "correct" or "true" at the time. In this instance, viewing the body every bit strictly medical is what Emily Martin combats. Particularly I was impressed with her attack on the view of menstruation as "failure" to produce children when globally most women now birth fewer than 3 in their lifetime. She advocates for viewing menstruation as a "success" in that most women are hoping to not conceive for the vast major A reminder that the way we perceive the globe is filtered through cultural motifs which seem "right" or "true" at the time. In this instance, viewing the torso every bit strictly medical is what Emily Martin combats. Particularly I was impressed with her set on on the view of flow as "failure" to produce children when globally about women at present nascency fewer than 3 in their lifetime. She advocates for viewing period as a "success" in that most women are hoping to not conceive for the vast majority of their cycles.

She has a strong Marxist take on the aspects (especially birth) she covers and this is very clear throughout the entire volume.

This was a actually interesting and of import expect at the medical narratives that surround women. I found myself nodding along to well-nigh of Martin's analyses simply there were a few points that gave me pause -- namely the parts that might encourage women to mayhap put themselves in unnecessary pain, discomfort, or danger.

I also actually enjoyed Martin'south style of writing (it was most poetic at times) merely I wasn't a big fan of how she ends her chapters. They never seemed to wrap up neatly. Perhaps this

This was a actually interesting and important look at the medical narratives that surround women. I constitute myself nodding along to near of Martin'south analyses but in that location were a few points that gave me pause -- namely the parts that might encourage women to perchance put themselves in unnecessary pain, discomfort, or danger.

I also actually enjoyed Martin'due south way of writing (it was most poetic at times) but I wasn't a big fan of how she ends her chapters. They never seemed to wrap up neatly. Perhaps this was on purpose, but I ever establish myself a petty surprised and jolted to discover I had come to the end of a chapter. Non to my personal sense of taste.

...more than
Dec 26, 2007 rated it really liked it
Across the fact that the writer of this work was my thesis mentor, the book is an amazing piece of feminist literature. It's an eye opening business relationship of what it ways to exist both a woman and also a machine, a something, an other, a not-a-man. But the book is never truly negative, just enlightening. Beyond the fact that the writer of this work was my thesis mentor, the book is an amazing piece of feminist literature. Information technology'due south an eye opening business relationship of what it means to be both a adult female and likewise a machine, a something, an other, a not-a-human. But the volume is never truly negative, just enlightening. ...more
Jan 05, 2010 rated it actually liked information technology
Martin's seminal work on the gendered nature and gendered system of health and medicine is a must for anyone interested in understanding how health literature, cognition, and practise adhere and reflect notions of gender. Martin'southward seminal work on the gendered nature and gendered system of wellness and medicine is a must for anyone interested in agreement how health literature, noesis, and practise attach and reflect notions of gender. ...more
Sep 15, 2007 rated it it was amazing
Reading this book for a Medical Anthropology class inspired me to learn more about women's bodies and ways to respect them inside and outside a biomedical context. I of my favorite books, especially the chapter that discusses pre-menstrual time as artistic and communal. Reading this volume for a Medical Anthropology class inspired me to acquire more about women'south bodies and ways to respect them inside and outside a biomedical context. One of my favorite books, especially the chapter that discusses pre-menstrual time as artistic and communal. ...more
Meridel Newton
Should be required reading for just about any social scientist. Or anyone, really. Well-written and illuminating
Dec 30, 2010 rated it it was amazing
All I can say is that this book inverse my entire worldview. A wonderful sociological commentary.
May 02, 2007 rated it really liked it
Pushed me towards my undergrad thesis topic--if y'all're at all intersted in the anthropology of the body or full general cultural analysis of biomedicine, this is a bang-up place to first Pushed me towards my undergrad thesis topic--if you're at all intersted in the anthropology of the body or general cultural analysis of biomedicine, this is a great place to outset ...more than
October 02, 2007 rated it information technology was amazing
she'due south very smart. extroardinarily. read about the sperm and the egg in a different book. excellent essay. she's very smart. extroardinarily. read about the sperm and the egg in a different book. excellent essay. ...more
Sam Grace
Jun 11, 2009 rated information technology really liked information technology
Recommended to Sam by: Sarah Raskin
Information technology ended up being a lot more about medical technologies, metaphors, and lived experience than I was really interested in for the moment.
Jun 02, 2007 rated it really liked it
I read this for a class, and it really got me thinking about the female body and the medical establishment. Definitely recommend this book!
Amanda Shapiro
Incredible read on, basically, how patriarchal medicine can be.
May 29, 2007 rated it really liked it
What a cool volume. Changed the style I thought about modern medicine and information technology'southward relationship with women's bodies. Highly recommend. What a cool book. Inverse the way I thought about modern medicine and it'south human relationship with women'due south bodies. Highly recommend. ...more
esin duzel
May 29, 2009 rated information technology really liked it
the book is amazing, and a must read for *everybody* indeed to see how medicine makes u.s. vulnerable.
1 of those books that actually changes the style you look at something you once thought was simple fact.
Katrina Mann
A must read primer for feminist/gender studies! Martin exploded the male bias that operates in medicine, particularly obstetrics and gynecology. Fascinating beyond mensurate!

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